A downloadable game for Windows

Hello World!

This is a little funny game I made a few years ago with pygame during my time at an engineering school. I just graduated and I once told my teacher that I'll publish it on Steam, well that never happened and now it's here on itch.io for people to enjoy :)
The art was made with paint and paint.net + maybe photoscape but I can't remember :P
The code was written in python 🐍
About the title, I guess the german version is Hobo Goblini's Abenteuer and the english one is Goblini's Labyrinth Adventure. It's no direct translation and I don't remember why I gave it 2 names but who cares lol
(The typo is supposed to be in the game title [for the funnys])


Hobo Goblini's Abenteuer dist.zip 18 MB

Install instructions

Just extract the zip anywhere and click the .exe
If you want a Desktop Icon you can link the .exe to the Desktop but you'll propably have to manually assign the Icon from the Icon folder.

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